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Sản phẩm của chúng tôi được bán tại trang thương mại điện tử  Shopee, Sendo, Tiki

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

Mã Sản phẩm: DOGI107342

Trạng thái: Còn hàng

385.000₫ 741.000₫



1. Thông tin về sản phẩm

Thương hiệu: OEM

Dòng sản phẩm: LPC_EES_50Y

Loại bảo hành: No Warranty

Bộ sản phẩm gồm: : 1 x Turbine Reducer Motor",

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2. Mua "5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices" ở đâu?

Sản phẩm "5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices" đang được bán tại shop trên sàn thương mại điện tử LAZADA với giá bán chỉ còn 385.000₫ bạn có thể tham khảo thêm về giá của sản phẩm trên các sàn thương mại điện tử khác dưới đây:



3. Hình ảnh sản phẩm

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices

5840-31ZY DC24V 300RPM Permanent Magnet Reducer Motor with High Torque and D-axis for Various Intelligent Devices